Long-distance relationships don’t last in college:
MYTH! Not only is it possible to stay in a relationship at college, but also it’s commonplace. About 10 people on my floor started the year off with a significant other, including myself. So far, most of us have been able to manage it. While it’s difficult because college is such a huge transition, you can swing it!
Things to keep in mind:
• You have to be open to change. College is the time of your life where you finally get to reassess your identity and discover who you want to be. Adults are right when they say don’t limit yourself. Stay in the relationship if you are still open to growth.• Communication is important. I have found services like Skype and AIM to be very useful. Also, increase your phone plan. You’ll be using a lot of minutes and texts and the overages aren’t worth it!
You don’t have to go to class to pass:
MYTH! I hate to break it to you, but this is a complete myth. Seldom do professors post notes, and you never want to rely on someone else’s. Even if they take a lot of notes, you can never guarantee the quality. Keep in mind that you have to be in class to know what points the professor is stressing.
Example: In my human development class I overheard some girls chatting on her cell phone. She was telling her friend how she finally made it to class and that she failed the last test. “I read the chapters in the book,” she said, but that just wasn’t enough.
You need to be present to understand the material and what the professor expects from you.
You have to drink to have a good time:
MYTH! Totally not true. I’ve had the most fun just hanging out in the dorm playing Apples to Apples or watching movies. No one cares if you chose not to drink and you shouldn’t feel obligated just to go with the flow.

If you want to have a good time and avoid situations that might pressure you attend Mizzou After Dark events! They do events ranging from Grocery Bag Bingo to Spa Nights to Bollywood Movie Nights! They’re free to students too.
If you want to have a good time and avoid situations that might pressure you attend Mizzou After Dark events! They do events ranging from Grocery Bag Bingo to Spa Nights to Bollywood Movie Nights! They’re free to students too.
You will gain the Mizzou-22
MYTH! That’s right, it’s not the Freshmen-Fifteen. Here at Mizzou there is all-you-can eat style dining. This has its pros and cons. You won’t ever be left hungry, but you risk over indulging. So long as you are contentious, you’ll avoid the extra poundage!
Tips to avoid the Mizzou-22:
• Limit your meal plan. I’ll tell you right now – 21 meals is excessive and you will not eat them. There is always free food on campus, so you don’t go to the dining hall for each meal. I have also found that I usually eat breakfast either in my room or on the go. I have the 14 meal plan and usually still have points left over.
• Avoid Rollins Pizza To-Go as a daily ritual. Rollins pizza is delicious and addicting, but don’t rely on it as your only dietary sustenance.
• Go to the Rec Center! Mizzou’s rec center was rated the best in the nation by Sports Illustrated! There are televisions in all the work out machines and if you like to lift weights hit up the Pump Room.
Athletes don’t hang out with the rest of us
MYTH! While you probably won’t see Chase Daniel in your freshmen biology class, athletes are just like the rest of us. They go to class and have a social life!
Yes! This is Sean Weatherspoon, who some claim to be the best linebacker in the nation! And That's me!!! He was in Gillett acting in a friend's iLife video!
Next time you see him, be sure to shout, "SPOOOOON!" like we always do at Faurot Field. It's too bad you didn't have a copy of the College Football Preview issue of SI for him to autograph...
That dining hall is AMAZING!!! lol. Sorry working for the athletic department does have its advantages. =)
Your blog is fabulous!
any tips when you run out of meals? do they just reject you or can they act cool and let you eat once? 7 meals is a BITCH, there's nothing I can take out of the stupid plaza to take home. there's 20 workers around every counter and they're all staring like, take those muffins in a plastic bag and we'll shoot you. no wonder its expensive, FULL of annoying asses, I much rather make my own damn thing than be asked from like 4 options for a crappy tortilla. jeezus. the price is a fucking joke for the crappy food they provide
Next time I catch YOUUU drinkin in the dorms, I'ma do this to YOU!
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