Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Art of the Free T-Shirt

Ryan Cornell, a certified Freebie Fanatic, has gotten 14
free t-shirts so far to date! Anything is possible if you put your mind to it!

So you could get a job in college. Or you could plead with your parents for spending money each month. Or you could even pick up street performing. All just to make a few bucks for clothes.

Or, might I offer this viable solution: stocking your wardrobe full of free t-shirts. For the fashion frenzied this might not be the most ideal suggestions, but it is college and sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

Now this is a serious matter: that of freebies. They range from the pen escalating to the Frisbee or lunchbox and then culminating in the free t-shirt. The basic items can be found at most organization displays, but it takes a true knack for finding the t-shirt. First you must start out with a location. This is harder said than done. Often times organizations give no previous warning of their arrival, so you must keep your eyes peeled. You occasionally will get a flyer or email, which is imperative that you scan for any indication of free items. Finally, listen up! Word of mouth may be the most effective way to scout out the goods.

Free T-Shirt of the day: Seatbelt Safety! 

Once you’ve determined the location you must focus on timing. This is critical, because if you aren’t strategic you may be shut out. Try to go during a class period that you have free. If you wait till the ten minute transit time the group will likely be flooded with similar freebie fanatics. Also, you want to make sure you have time in case they require any participation or elaborate sign ups. If you’re on the go though, still stop by because it may just be a quick give-a-way.

Next, you must practice proper etiquette in receiving your t-shirt. Listen to what they are speaking about and garner an actual interest in the organization. They’re giving you free clothes, they at least deserve that!

Finally, you must abide by the collegiate code, which is to pass on knowledge of any (good) freebies. Call, text, holler from the rooftops. It’s only fair that everyone know about the opportunity once you’ve gotten yours. This is only necessary after you get your free t-shirt. If you tell others before hand, they may get theirs before yours and they might run out.

I hope these tips have proven helpful. May you have much success on your future quest for the free t-shirt.

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